Beginning of the Year (Esthetician) Check List

Happy New Year (by the way, how is it 2023? Whoa)! I don't know about you, but I don't love the idea of a resolution, I am much more into the idea of something that you can check off, complete, and feel good about. So, we are back with another check list for you! You guys loved our End of the Year (Esthetician) Check List so much, we wanted to get you at the start of 2023!
Here are a few beginning of year things you should do EVERY year.
+Run the Numbers
Unless you are Hailey, most of us don't love running the numbers, but, this is the best way to see how you did last year. It doesn't need to be a HUGE project, but set aside some time, maybe only 30 minutes and just compare your '22 numbers to your '21 numbers. Or if that's too daunting, you could compare each quarter in '22. It's good to see how your business did. Are you growing? What sold well? What didn't sell? Where did you spend the most? Etc.
+Declutter & Clean
Okay, this is something we should be doing throughout the year, but at the beginning of the year, new start, new inventory! First, get rid of anything you didn't use last year. Then, we love a good reorganize. This will also help you see what you are missing or need to reorder. After you have purged, this is a great time to clean your space! Really get in there and make everything fresh and sparkling.
The fun part! Get your head in 2023. It's time to brainstorm and set some goals for the year. This could be anything from creating a new service menu, revamping your brand, making financial or business related goals etc. Work on your vision. Ask yourself "what do I want for myself, my business and my clients this year?". The sky is the limit so don't feel like you need to hold back. Get creative!
We hope this helps you get your head in the game. Wishing you all great success in '23!