How We Created Glow Skincare Spa Art

We all love that perfect spa esthetic. You know it when you see it, but how do you create it? We asked ourselves this same question! When we do photo shoots, we are constantly getting inspired during the shoot. There is just something about the energy and our photographer Lexus just brings IT. A few years ago during a shoot we created our first "Spa Art". All we had was our:
+favorite skincare products
+natural full-sun outdoor lighting
+huge marble tile
We used what we had and created something beautiful, unique and one of a kind. To paint we used our:
+drops of our favorite products (RIP to the product that never touched a face)
All on top of our 2x2 marble tile that we use for flat lays. This created something so special and unique we couldn't wait to use the images.
We got the images blown up and printed on Shutterfly. We then had them framed in frames that we brought from Target, and some from Ikea (nothing fancy, just simple and clean). We hung the frames around the spa and that was it! We had created that perfect vibe.
During the photo shoots since, we have continued to create spa art. It's fun for us to create and we thought, I know someone who may want this in their space too, YOU! We have had countless DMs asking about the art and we wanted to share. That is when we created our Spa Art Collection, where you can shop all 5 of the different vibes named after one of the colors in the art. Each design comes with 2 variations. Use them as a set, separately, or one or the other, it's up to you! Find some frames you love, get them printed and your done!
+Glow tip: Want to take your spa art to the next level? Add an Art Light above it!