My Top 3 Biz Tips to keep you focused and motivated

Let talk biz! My other favorite subject besides skincare. No I never went to school for business but I was lucky enough to grow up in a household where my parents are self made, successful business owners and from a very young age, I knew i wanted to be just like that!
If you follow me on Instagram or listen to my podcast then you know I have been and esty for 14 years and have owned my own business for over 9 years. I have made some major power moves but have also made some really bad moves. At the end of the day I always look at all my decisions as learning lessons. I think if you can take the good and the bad (and not take it TOO personally) you can be successful in business.
Since I get asked all the time on my biz tips and tricks. I thought I would break my top 3 biz tips to keep you focus and motivated.
OK here is the deal, if you own and biz or are thinking of owning a business there are a lot of moving parts that go on behind the scenes and I’ll be honest sometimes it can feel overwhelming. My trick to keep my mind and my inbox from overflowing is this. You come first, your business come first. Meaning before you get to what everyone else “needs” (yes I put that in quotes because its usually not a true need, its more of a want) you get done what you NEED. I like to write a list. For example this can be done for the day, week + month. Doing my morning routine, post in IG, write a new blog post, make sure cold rollers and towels are in stock and prep my room for creating content and seeing clients. Thennnn, once all those things are done I can move on to what others need, but my business is running smoothly. Which it what you want.
Here is the deal. I am a creative person and I would say a lot of us business owners tend to be. I am also and Aquarius and don’t like to be told what to do, but that’s another story lol! Anyhow, us creatives can sometimes be a little out there, maybe even a little scattered because we have sooo many ideas and soooo many things to do. So even if you have 5000 things to do if you set aside a day for “each” one it really helps you stay focused and on task. Again I’ll give an example because I feel like they help. Monday, I work from home and its a computer day. Going though emails, creating content for Ig, writing my weekly blog and(hopefully) sending out a newsletter. I say (hopefully) because sometimes it doesn’t happen and guess what I don’t beat my self up, i just move forward. Tuesday- Podcast Day. This day is solely focused on podcast emails, ads, recording and editing. Wednesday- work with Hailey + take clients. Thursday- coaching calls and by Friday I am dead so work a half day from home. As you can see its a loose schedule but for me it works! Again, it helps me wrap my brain around whats happening that day so I stay on track.
As a creative what I have learned over the years is that I need a space that feels good and looks good too. It needs to feel like yours, it needs to feel comfortable and it needs to help you create magic! This means something a little bit different for everyone. For me it means, a beautiful clean treatment room to see my clients in with. Comphy Bedding, dim lights, essential oils and as little on the counter as possible. This isn’t just setting the tone for me but for my clients as well. I also like to set the mood in my office but that looks different. In my office I want to feel a different kind of creative, a creative that says LETS GET TO WORK, you know? A big desk and computer, or in my case multiple computers (oh hi yes, I am a little crazy) some good Brain Food background music on Spotify and surrounding myself with the things I have created and have inspired me, like my cold rollers on fake ice, fun bright pictures and more essential oils. My favorite is lavender.
At the end of the day remember to have fun. Running a biz can be hard, but to me the hard parts out weight the reward 1000%. I hope these tips are helpful and would love to know implement them in your own biz.
xoxo Kasey