3 Easy Ways to - Fan Brush

We all use them and love them (most of the time) The Fan Brush.
Here are my 3 easy ways to incorporate fan brushes into your treatment room. These methods are great whether you are a new or seasoned esthetician.
+ Use 2 brushes while cleansing using my whipped cleanser technique. Clients, friends and estheticians are becoming obsessed with the fun and easy technique I created. All you have to do is grab 2 fan brushes, a bowl and your favorite cleanser and get to whipping. Using two of our Champagne Fan Brushes is my go to. Add a small amount of water to both brushes, just enough to get them wet. Then add a bit more water to the bowl with the cleanser and whip away. Once whipped, slather your bristles in the cleanser. Generously apply the whipped cleanser to your client's skin with both fan brushes. This will provide them with a deep cleanse as well as a nerve calming sensory experience. This can be done at home or in the treatment room. If you haven't seen my whipped cleanser on IG go check it out HERE.
BONUS: sell fan brushes and cleansers to your clients so they can enjoy at home! Maybe a Headband and Washcloth too. Psss we offer our Fan brushes wholesale. More info HERE.
+ Use with enzymes, masks, peels. This might sound simple but I see a lot of estheticians using their hands, including my past self. For a cleaner and more controlled application use 1 or 2 fan brushes to apply. My favorite brush is our Acrylic Brush for this application.
+ 2 fan brush technique. Made popular by Kasey Boone and now seen all over the internet- The Kasey Boone 2 Fan Brush Technique. 2 Champagne Fan Brushes, 1 bowl and your mask of choice. Lightly wet your fan brushes with water then dip the brushes into your mask of choice. You will then evenly apply the mask to your or your clients face in an upward motion starting at the chin and working up the face. Be sure to move with long, even strokes. Remember to take your time. For a visual WATCH HERE
I can't wait for you to try these methods out, or if you already are, keep practicing! There are always ways to improve upon your techniques and methods. Don't be afraid to play!