My Top 3 Tips for Using Essential Oil

Glow Essential Oil truly has a scent like no other. Kasey Boone Skincare™ X My Friends Use This took months curating the best custom blended organic essential oils. It was important that it had the most uniquely warm, calming, but also uplifting scent. With ingredients like rose, geranium and lemon your clients will come running back for more.
Here are a few of my favorite ways to use (Glow) essential oil in and out of the treatment room.
- In a super cute diffuser that can be placed in the lobby, bathroom or treatment room. Think filling your entire space with this scent. Heaven!
- At the beginning and/or end of your facial. Just a drop on the palm of your hand while your client takes 3 deep breaths. What a way to relax while centering and calming the mind.
- Infuse your hot towels. (Hopefully you are using The Original Perfect Facial Towel wink* wink*) What you'll want to do is get a slightly damp cotton round, add 2-3 drops of Glow EO and place at the bottom of your towel cabinet to infuse your towels all day. This will save you from using too much EO as well as not over saturate your towels.
KB tip: Use it in your own mediation practice or keep it in your car to lighten the mood!
Xoxox Kasey Boone