The Benefits of a Simple Skincare Routine and How to Grow Trust with your Clientele

Stephanie here, taking over for Kasey! Just as a little background, it wasn’t until I met Kasey that I committed to a skincare routine. Coming from NYC, a skincare routine always felt like a burden because I didn’t have time. I was working around the clock, and I was barely sleeping - so why would I waste 10-15 minutes (at a minimum) on washing my face and applying serums and moisturizer when I could just wash it with Neutrogena and call it a day. I even, don’t yell at me, fell asleep with my make-up on all the time. The audacity! I have received countless
facials over my lifetime thus far, and when I would invest in a skincare routine, I was often told to buy 10-15 different products that were pricey without, in my opinion, a genuine assessment of my skin. Looking back now, I recognize that I was a prime candidate for upselling.
So fast forward to my thirties - when I met Kasey! I had just moved to LA from NYC. My skin was an ABSOLUTE mess - mostly due to stress and environmental changes, but my poor face hygiene didn’t help either! I was so self-conscious about my breakouts that I knew I needed to get serious about skincare - it was beyond absurd that I didn’t moisturize daily. Kasey came recommended to me by a dear friend and I have been seeing Kasey for over a year now. What I have loved about my experience with Kasey, and in my opinion, what has set her apart from any past estheticians, is that she made my skincare routine easy and manageable for a busy woman like myself. She truly got me back to the B-A-S-I-C-S!
During my first session with her, I told her everything I had been using and I’ll never forget what she said to me (in so many words): (1) my routine didn’t need to be that complex, (2) I did not need to use entirely different products for morning and night - there can be overlap and (3) most of the products I was “using” were drying out my skin. When she said that to me, I immediately felt like I had been lied to all this time and began to question whether anyone actually knew what they were doing. Luckily, Kasey could immediately sense that I was a bit lost about skincare, but she could also sense how badly I wanted to clear my skin. That day she walked me step-by-step through every product or machine that she used on my skin, what it was targeting and why I needed it. At the end, I fully expected the upsell, but fortunately, Kasey did not upsell, rather she simplified my routine to the following (all Cosmedix products, of course):
(1) a rotation between RX Clean and Benefit Clean;
(2) Clarity;
(3) Simply Brilliant; and
(4) UV Protect (day) and X-Age (night).
At that moment, I knew Kasey listened to me, she understood my weaknesses in implementing a skincare routine and insecurities about my breakouts - and it mattered more to her that I was able to get back to the basics before upselling. Which if you think about it, is smart, because if she had upsold me, I would have likely given up, blamed Kasey for no results and, thus, ending the relationship.
Thankfully, I have continued to see Kasey once a month and since then, my skin has never looked better. With over a year under our belts, I have also added so many more products into my routine like eye creams, retinol, additional serums, night masks and lip masks. These additional products were not added overnight, it took dedication on my part to show Kasey that I was keeping up with my skincare routine at home.
All of this is to say that sometimes it’s not about the upsell. It’s about building that trust because once you have it, you will never have to worry about upselling - it will happen automatically. I am forever grateful that Kasey got me back to the basics because my skin is R-A-D-I-A-T-I-N-G, and I appreciate that it all started with a simple and manageable process. Kasey got me to a point where I want to take care of my skin, I enjoy my routine and I am excited to try new products. Tell me that 2 years ago and I would have never believed it!